It's Not Over Until You Say So

American Idol.
SM Town Entertainment.
America's Got Talent.
The Voice.
Hmong female music artists.
Hmong producers.
Community leaders.
Event hosts/promoters.

I've been rejected by these folks at least once in my music career.

I wish I could tell you that I've grown a thick skin through the years, but then I wouldn't be me. I feel deeply, whether you give me a compliment or an insult. And by sharing the list above, unfortunately, you and I both know what's easier to keep track of.

Through the years, I've learned that rejection is a part of the package of chasing your dreams. With patience, I've gained tools, intuition, and perspective when I want to create, collaborate and connect. I've learned that I'm not for everyone, and everyone is not for me, no matter my intentions. But more importantly, I discovered that the most important person who hasn't rejected me is:


And I don't think she will ever join that list.

So you there—stay off your list of naysayers. Keep moving in the direction of your dreams. And I mean it when I say this—it's not over until you say so. #dreamBIG

Photo: Pa Chia Xiong Photography


Happy 36th Birthday, Pagnia!


Guest Appearance: From Mountains to Lakes