Pagnia's Voice Memo - National Anthem Performance: The Morning After

Pagnia Xiong shares a personal voice memo of reflection recorded the morning after her national anthem performance.

This is something I want to remember forever...
— Pagnia Xiong

"The morning after my national anthem performance, after my parents, who drove across the state border to see me sing, had left, I finally had a quiet moment to myself. With so much on my mind, I recorded this voice memo for memory's sake. This is something I want to remember forever, and I thought you might want to hear it too."

National Anthem Performance by Pagnia Xiong
July 22, 2021
MN Twins vs. LA Angels
Target Field, Minneapolis, MN

Video Recorded by:
Tchoua Xiong

Video Production By:
Pagnia Xiong & Pa Chia Xiong


To Many More Firsts, Mom.


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